Welcome to Indigo Dreams Recovery


Our mission is to provide deluxe accommodations and assistance for all of your post-operative necessities. We offer a private recovery suite with your own bathroom and only care for one client at a time. Along with providing a home felt atmosphere and appropriate health precautions, we strongly believe emotional support is key to ensure a speedy recovery.

Indigo Dreams Recovery invites you to experience our signature healing and recovery services. ​ Our 24-hour staff are available to cater to your needs along with a variety of amenities available to our guests during your stay.

We take pride in providing top notch care for those who need it while using the necessary equipment for our client’s safety. At Indigo Dreams Recovery we want all our guest to stay at a place where they can recover in private and be themselves.

Indigo Dreams Recovery in Houston takes extra steps to ensure that our clients are being cared for by the most qualified personnel, we have an extensive history with surgical recovery.

​We support every client throughout the entire process of recovering and follow up with you when you return home. We understand that recovering from surgery is a very vulnerable journey that requires an intimate environment, which we provide for our guest.  We want them to feel as comfortable as they feel at home during their recovery. Every client who chooses to stay at Indigo Dreams Recovery will soon realize that they are family to us and will be treated that way. We would love to hear from you.

Surgery Recovery House Houston | Indigo Dreams Recovery.
Surgery Recovery House Houston | Indigo Dreams Recovery.


2021© Copyright - Indigo Dreams Recovery A Subsidiary of Miami Escape LLC-- All Rights Reserved